LTC4364CMS-1 surge stopper with ideal diode controller protects loads from high voltage transients. It limits and regulates the output during an overvoltage event, such as load dump in automobiles, by controlling the voltage drop across an external N-channel MOSFET pass device. The LTC4364 also includes a timed, current limited circuit breaker. In a fault condition, an adjustable fault timer must expire before the pass device is turned off. The LTC4364-1 latches off the pass device while the LTC4364-2 automati-cally restarts after a delay. The LTC4364 precisely moni-tors the input supply for overvoltage (OV) and undervolt-age (UV) conditions. The external MOSFET is held off in undervoltage and auto-retry is disabled in overvoltage.
An integrated ideal diode controller drives a second MOSFET to replace a Schottky diode for reverse input protection and output voltage holdup. The LTC4364 con-trols the forward voltage drop across the MOSFET and minimizes reverse current transients upon power source failure, brownout or input short.